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Module 5. Description-HUST 4 pilot 2-Jan 2020
Module Description
Module Title: Recognition and validation of language skills in line with the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR). Key languages are English and German.
Module Aims and Overview:
This module aims to:
- Provide students with knowledge of the common European Framework of Reference (CEFR)
- Validate the framework with other international English assessment tests such as Cambridge tests and VSTEP (Vietnamese Standardized Test of English Proficiency).
Course Code: CATALYST M05
Course Duration: 02 ECTS (60 hours) (1 academic hour is 60 minutes)
25 hours for in-class study
35 hours for self-study
Language of Instruction & Level:
English and Vietnamese
English and Laotian
Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of the module, the students will be able to:
Gain an insight into the principles for teaching and learning, for assessment, for use of reference level descriptions, and general usage of CEFR.
Apply the CEFR in practice: aligning other certification systems such as VSTEP (Vietnamese Standardized Test of English Proficiency) and Cambridge ESOL examinations to CEFR.
Detailed Module Description:
The module consists of 5 lessons as follows:
Module Organizer Contact Details:
Name: Dr. Ngo Phuong Anh
Office: 204 D4 Building, HUST
Institution: Hanoi University of Science and Technology
Name(s) of Trainer(s): Ngo Phuong Anh
Pham Hoai Anh
Nguyen My Binh
DauThi Le Hieu
Le Nu Cam Le
Target Groups:
Fourth year English-majored students in Teacher Education program
Participant Requirements:
B2-C1 Level (CEFR)
Module Materials (list only):
Description and samples of VSTEP (2015). Hanoi: National University Press. (Lesson 5, Handout 5)
English Profile – Introducing the CEFR for English, Cambridge University Press, retrieved from:
(In class materials, Lesson 4, Handout 1, p. 3; Handout 2, pp. 13-17; Handout 5, p. 20; Lesson 5).
Https:// (Handouts 2A, 2B, 2C, 2D)
Http:// (Lesson 4, Handout 3, Handout 4)
Messick, S. (1996). Validity and Washback in Language Testing. Educational Testing Service, Princeton, N.J. (Lesson 3 – Handout 2)
Paterson, D.G. (August 21, 1926). Do New and Old Type Examinations Measure Different Mental Functions? School and Society, vol. 24, 246-48. (Lesson 3 – Handout 1)
Sax, G., & Collet, L.S. (1968). An Empirical Comparison of the Effects of Recall and Multiple-Choice Tests on Student Achievement. Journal of Educational Measurement, vol. 5, 169-73. (Lesson 3 – Handout 1).
Test Item Analysis. Retrieved from Https:// (Lesson 3 – Handout 3)
Using the CEFR: Principles of Good Practice (2011). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (In-class materials, Lesson 2, pp. 11-13; Lesson 5, Handout 1).
Video (Lesson 4), Retrieved from
Module Assessment (test type & marking system):
Participants take part in learning tasks individually or group work. Learning results will be assessed by teachers and peers based on the specific CEFR learning content engaged with learning outcomes.
Marking Schemes
Project Presentation
Task detail:
Task description:
Students work in groups of 3-4 to carry out a project that involves either researching an assigned topic or performing a task about/related to the CEFR and present their findings in class seminars.
The presentation should take the form of an informative presentation that describes and reflects on their work during the project. It should also convey knowledge and understanding of different aspects of the CEFR.
Thorough research is required to have sufficient understanding of the topic to answer questions and handle discussions that follow. Students must consult various sources, e.g. books, periodicals, daily publications, electronic media, the Internet, etc. for this project. A PowerPoint slideshow to accompany the presentation is compulsory.
Each member of the group must be responsible for one part of the presentation. Time for each presentation is 30 minutes excluding Q & A (10 mins for Q & A).
Assessment is based on group effort (60% of the total mark), as demonstrated by overall group preparation, proper structure and content, and appropriate use of visual aids, as well as individual effort (40% of the total mark), as demonstrated by ability to use verbal and nonverbal communication. (see the following table for a more detailed marking scheme)
Marking scheme:
2. Essay (Written Reflection)
Task detail:
- Each student is required to submit a reflection which compares one skill at B1 level tested at VSTEP with the description of B1 in CEFR;
- Word length: 700 words (± 10%)
Grade Converting System